Will you put mud into the fuel tank?
If you had a Rolls Royce, would you pour mud instead of fuel? No, nobody would do that.
Devesh Das
I'm really good at this
Food for your body is fuel, Food for your desire is mud.
Once, I read a tweet saying something along the lines of "Real food dies".
What are some real foods? Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Fruits, Nuts. They die after some time. By food dying, I mean food turning stale.
Unreal foods? A lot of them. Almost everything you get in the corner store. Should I tell what are unreal foods? No, you already know it.
Your body is a machine. It runs on fuel.
If you had a Rolls Royce, would you pour mud instead of fuel? No, nobody would do that.
Unfortunately, that is what you do when you eat junk. Your machine is more valuable than any Rolls Royce.
Feed it well.
The perfect combination is having desire for fuel aka great real food.