Devesh Das

Why not?

LeArn fRoM tHE StyLe oF ThoSe MoVie ACtoRs

Certain actions are eye-catching, use them.

May 8, 2024
Devesh Das

Devesh Das

Test out different styles

LeArn fRoM tHE StyLe oF ThoSe MoVie ACtoRs

You probably suck at style. So did I. What is your style sense? Don't know?

Well a good way to identify/pick one is to watch movies where the hero is a masculine man (not the actor irl).

See how he moves his hands, his head. His approach to girls. The way he avoids arguments, the way he fights like a beast.

Look at James Bond, he himself is a style icon. Michael Jackson, the hats, the walk, etc...

In South Indian movies, look at Allu Arjun.

Instead of just watching movies, why not learn from it? When I was a kid watching Iron Man, I made plans on how to make an arc reactor, generate infinite energy, I even made Iron Man gloves from cardboard. I was inspired, I used to act like him lol.

Well, I won't say to copy-paste the character, but certain behaviours are eye-catching, use them.

Wise men learn from other wise men.

Cheers, RN my fav style actors are Vikram, Arjun and Bond.

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