More guys are on this path now
I remember going to school after 10th grade vacation thinking I was the only one working out and improving my diet.
Devesh Das
Approached 4
When I started watching self improvement videos on Youtube, there were only few guys all around the planet on this path.
The tide has taken the turn. It is not anymore like one or two years ago.
Many many guys are on this path of improving themselves.
So you have more competition, more guys striving to go above you.
I remember going to school after 10th grade vacation thinking I was the only one working out and improving my diet.
But to my surprise, a few other guys were also on this. Some were working out, some were improving their approach to girls.
I felt inferior.
That only means one thing, only one thing. There are guys working 10+ hrs a day with not complaint. You need to work more. So do I.
The improvement graph is gradual. It doesn't mean it has to be linear, why not exponential?
Grow exponentially, let's do this together.
PS> Writing this in afternoon, morning gone and now feeling like a p*ssy.