Devesh Das


Understand not evaluate

You are not an evaluator

May 13, 2024
Devesh Das

Devesh Das

Fucking sleepy today

Understand not evaluate

What does it mean to evaluate? It is the act of verifying something by yes or no. Are they happy? Yes. Are they lying? No.

But it is way different than understanding something.

When you evaluate someone you check "Are they X?" but that does not bring out the reason why they do something.

But to understand is different. You have to pick the other person's shoes and wear them. "Get in their shoes."

And find out why they do something. Are they lying? Why? What reason makes them lie? Is it because of fear?

There is a lot behind this.

When you are in a conversation with someone the other person is not writing an exam for you to evaluate their answers.

You are in a conversation. There is mutual understanding.

Let's understand more about others.


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