Cure yourself of health excusitis.
From David Schwartz's The Magic Of Thinking Big
Devesh Das
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Do you know what stops people like you and me from becoming great? Ourselves. And what do we use against us? Excuses.
Once the victim has selected a good excuse, he sticks with it and with repetition the excuse and the accompanying reason gets ingrained in his mind. Initially, the reason is just verbal. Soon it becomes reality.
Don't ruin your health.
This article is me synthesizing the contents of this great book: The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz Ph.D.
Health Excusitis
There is literally nobody in this world who doesn't have anything wrong physically. The author's physician friend tells him that the ideal specimen of human life is non existent. Although I would personally strive to reach that state.
This happens only to the unsuccessful people, if you were successful you wouldn't have this (I think).
In another book: How to Live 365 Days a Year by Dr. Schindler, Dr. Schindler shows how 3/4 of hospital beds are occupied by people who have EIL (Emotionally Induced Illness). That is saddening.
See, Most people are afraid of things that might happen. And they spent most time on it.
While on this Earth resolve to live. Every minute a person spends worrying about dying is just one minute that fellow might as well have been dead.
"I'm going to live until I die".
Ways to cure health excusitis
- Don't talk about your health unless asked by someone very very very close. One may get a little sympathy but that gets you labelled as a complainer. Successful people like to talk about success.
- Don't worry about your health. From my personal experience, This step is hard.
- Many are less healthy than you. There is an old saying: "I felt sorry for myself because I had ragged shoes until I met a man who had no feet." Being grateful for your health is the best vaccination against developing real illness.
- Your life is yours to enjoy. Don't see yourself in an hospital bed.
Cheers, Bro.