Devesh Das


Some people just don't want to grow

The guys who had less resources than you made so much progress.

April 29, 2024
Devesh Das

Devesh Das

Ambition for growth

Some people just don't want to grow

There are some people, who just want to survive. They just want to make some money, get a girl, and aspire to somehow manage to live. These are the guys who play video games all day, who watch movies and adult content all day, who goof around all day. They are on maintain mode.

But, there are some guys out there, who have no ambition to maintain, but to grow constantly, linearly, exponentially. They continuously find things to work on. They make f*ck ton of money, they have many girls, they don't spend time goofing around. Because they know nobody is going to do it for them. They are on growth mode.

God will ask you if you are on maintain mode: "Why didn't you do it? You had everything you need to work but you didn't. The guys who had less resources than you made so much progress."

What will you answer? Come to growth mode. At least have the aspiration.

I want guys on growth mode to read my articles, not the ones on maintain mode.

Cheers bro!

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