Devesh Das

Why not

Make others feel obliged to reciprocate

Sumimasen in layman terms means: "I will someday, somehow reciprocate a favour to you"

April 13, 2024
Devesh Das

Devesh Das

Honestly Influence is a great book

Make others feel obliged to reciprocate

Sumimasen which, in its literal form, means "this will not end" -- Influence, Robert B Cialdini, Ph.D.

Japanese people say Sumimasen instead of thank you. Which in more layman terms means: "I will someday, somehow reciprocate a favour to you".

Do something really good to others and instantly you will receive smiles and gifts from all directions.

Give something to others for free, let them use it freely. If they are human they will feel obliged to reciprocate to you.

Companies follow this principle. Remember those free Ebooks? free pro-app previews? They make you feel obliged to return something to them - following their social media, purchasing a subscription, buying a product, etc...

Why not follow this principle in your life, your business, your relations?

Stick this text somewhere on your mind or your wall:

To get give

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