Read "How to Win Friends And Influence People", It is a must
It helps you to think from the other person's viewpoint.
Devesh Das
Today I am taking action
Have you read "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie? No? C'mon, bro, you should read it if you want to grow in almost anything which relates to people.
As long as you have great lively relations with other people you can succeed.
Thinking in terms of the other person's viewpoint is critical. What do they care about? What do they want? What do they need? What are their problems? How can you solve their problems?
If you can answer these questions, and act like that, genuinely with no false motives, then voila you can easily influence them.
The other person is craving sympathy, if you can listen and listen and listen to them, they will basically consider you as a friend. There are many such stories in this book which is very interesting to read.
If you just consider you own viewpoint and only that, then you will only gain hatredness and resentment from others.
Because at the end of the day, humans speak to humans, humans sell to humans. If you can influence humans, you can win.